Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Busy Weekend

The weekend was full of many busy events for the Timberwolves, some great and some not soooo great.

The Varsity Girls lost 41-36.
The Varsity Boys team won 61-37. Ryan Berryman scored 19pts and Mike James scored 16 pts.

Speech and Debate:
They won first place sweepstakes at the La Cueva tournament.

Discovery Projects:
Discovery projects were assigned over the weekend. Today students found out what they were assigned to. There was a mad rush to the front office to see who was in each discovery and who was in their discovery with them.

Today we had a 2 hour delay because of the snow on the roads although it was not icy, it was very slushy. We should get 2-4 inches tonight, so maybe/ hopefully we get a snow day!

Friday, January 15, 2010

The Long Wait for Discovery

Students lined up as early 4:30 am, in hopeful thoughts that they would get their 1st discovery choice. As soon as thee doors opened students rushed to line up, from the start the wait was only ten minutes; as more students came the wait became longer. Some students cut to the front with their friends! After signing up, some students sipped hot chocolate, while others went home for a quick nap. Overall discovery sign up was an exciting day for most students.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Person of the Day

EMHS has affected my teaching expirence. The teachers here are more professional and actually know what they are doing. I think that the other staff in the science department definetly appreciate my youth and quirkiness and value me as a peer. The small school lifestyle definetly sets EMHS apart from other schools. Other things like discovery and inquiry make us unique and different.